Free Iraqi writes Let’s Blame it on the Sunnis [h/t to Wizbang: CARNIVAL OF THE TRACKBACKS LII ] gives an excellent and insightful explanation of some of the dynamics fueling the ethnic conflicts and insurgencies in Iraq. He offers some reasonable solutions:
I think the major problem is that Saddam's mentality is still running this country through people like Sadr, Al-Hakeem, Adnan Al-Dulaimi and Barzani.
This post answers many questions and raises others. We will all understand the what is going on in Iraq better if we read this post and read it with an open mind intent on understanding. Woman Honor Thyself has posted a powerful article honoring the Marines killed when two helicopters crashed off the coast of Africa this week. Argghhh! points out that It's An Odd War. He also posts some pictures of our soldiers in action. The Real Ugly American has an excellent article on What’s Really Going on in Iraq through the eyes of real soldiers who have been there. One Marine's View says the MSM is so busy with insignificant stories that they aren't telling the real story of what is happening in Iraq. He says the MSM is so desperate they are running 2 year old photos from Abu Ghrab prison. [h/t A Rose By Any Other Name] I love our Soldiers. Aubrey J. has a great photo of the day. [hint it has to the with the 1st Armor Division - hooah] He also posts a list of casualties. Speaking of our Soldiers. I think we really must have depleted the German warrior gene-pool in WWII. Born Again Redneck posts the story of the German man jailed for a year for insulting Islam. Bullwinkle Blog has some bad news for the left. While your there, just for fun, check out his idea for a new Winter Olympic sport. Freedom Watch does not approve of the UAE deal. Is It Just Me? asks if it's Paranoia Mixed with Politics. Red Hot Cuppa Politics asks, 'Why the hell not?. Violence Worker is back and analysing the UAE deal as well. The Paladin is looking at the politics of the deal with a level head as well. While you are at Daves (The Paladin) you might look at his graphic and poignant definition of the Religion of Peace. Kimdergarten has seen her daughter through preparing for and joining the Air Force, now her son is getting ready to go. So soon. You Betcha I'm a Proud Army Mom is dealing with a homesick 18 year old soldier. It's so hard to see our babies having to be so grown. Life-Florida-Whatever has some info for deployed family support. Thirdee at Code Red: Women for the Troops reports on the return of the 13th MEU. Soldier's Dad has an update on Iraq Security and Stability. Last, but not least, one of my favorite blogs, Samantha Speaks about the Marines rendering aid to the Phillipines. We haven't see this on CNN. If you like history, you'll love Samantha's blog. She has post after post on the history of the Marine Corp. If you think I've left something out that should be here, please feel free to trackback or leave a comment with the URL here and I will add it or put it in next weeks Carnival. Thanks to everyone for participating and especially thanks to all of our men and women in the Armed Forces.