Right Wing Nation has some interesting information about Congressman Maurice Hinchey's assertion that the Bush Administration deliberatly let Osama Bin Laden slip through our grasp in Afghanistan. Also, the extreme right wing's theory that Karl Rove planned a terrorist attack on the Super Bowl and the lack of media coverage of Venezuelans rallying against dictator Hugo Chavez.
Blond Sagacity thinks it's awfully convenient that the Muslims had a seemingly endless supply of Danish flags on the ready to riot half a year after the Danish cartoons were published.
Knocking on the Golden Door gives analyses Anti-Semitism At Sonoma State University. On a lecture by Allison Weir he attended:
Weir's presentation began with a glib statement that she did not take sides in the Israeli -"Palestinian" Arab conflict, and that she was interested in human rights for all people, everywhere. What ensued was three hours of some of the most vile anti-Israeli propaganda that I have yet witnessed. It became clear very early on that she, in fact, was anything but an objective observer of events in the Middle East.
An Elephant in my Coffee gives some insight into what life would be like If the Liberals Ruled.
Crazy Politio explains how it's America's fault. It? What is it we are to blame for? Well, right now it's the Muslim riots, of course. Tomorrow it'll be whatever else is wrong.
Daddy's Roses helps us tell if He's Husband Material. !!!!!
The Median Sib has a good Broke Back Post with a lot of links reviewing the movie...
Ruthlace has a beautiful poem in loving memory of her husband...
There's so much more, but I'm out of time right now.