Friday, March 10, 2006

Sammenhold Rally in San Francisco


Via Michelle Malkin:

San Francisco Rally to Support Denmark and Free Speech

San Francisco, CA –– Worldwide protests, riots, boycotts, and threats aimed at Denmark and its citizens have taken place ever since the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten printed cartoons featuring the Islamic prophet Muhammed. In response to this unprecedented assault on the right to free speech, rallies supporting Denmark have occurred in New York, Washington, D.C., and Madrid. Others are planned for Chicago, London, Toronto, Montreal, and Sydney.

The Only Republican in San Francisco writes about the rally. The California Conservative writes about the rally here and here.

Cinnamin Sillwell organized the rally.

Unfortunately, I think most people in America have no clue about what is going on in Denmark. Unless you read the blogs and get your news through unconventional methods, you don't know there is a stand-off between Islam and the Western world over Freedom of Speech and submission to Islam.

The riots were just a passing crawl across the bottom of the TV screen if you happened to be watching one of the cable news stations. Maybe.

Hopefully, what The Gentle Cricket calls a 'small but supportive crowd' will grow as word gets out and people become more aware of the dangers and demands of Islam.

But then. Leave it to the Vikings to be the ones to draw a line in the .... snow, if you will.

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