Have you started getting your summer wardrobe ready? I sure haven’t, and its already getting hot outside. I've been looking at items I need to add to my wardrobe, but I really don't want to spend a bundle. I'm not a billionaire but I like looking like one :)
I found an online discount outlet. Its Brandlet.com (Brands Under $20. Everything in the store is under $20 including designer brand names like BCBG, Dolce & Gabanna, Inc., Ralph Lauren, Jones New York, Liz Claiborne and many more. So if you are worried about what kind of quality you get at that price you don't need to worry any more!
Brandlet is like the best of both worlds. If you were to buy these brands elsewhere, you can expect to pay a fortune, but at Brandlet you get both, the quality and the low prices. They have brand names you are familiar with and love at up to 90% off retail prices! So is your wardrobe ready for the summer? Mine still needs some work and at these prices I can get a lot more for my wardrobe. Take a look at what they have to offer. There are some really beautiful pieces and I just can't believe the prices.
To make it even better, You can use coupon code “MBSL5” to get an additional 5% off your order.
Thursday, April 03, 2008
Brand Name Apparel For Under $20
The Great Escape
I just wish I had thought to make a video of his escape!
african grey,
my life,
Wednesday, April 02, 2008
John McCain Meets Lex the Dog
Cpl. Lee's mother brought Lex to meet Senator McCain today in Meridian, Mississipi. They even got to right on the Straight Talk Express. I'm sure that McCain and his family were honored to be in the company of a renowned warrior like Lex!!!
Read more about Lex at the Gathering of Eagles blog and more about his meeting with McCain here.
campaign 2008,
john mccain
Pro-Troops Rally at Marines Recruiting Office in Berkeley
Photo-Essay >...This rally -- with at least 400 participants at any one time and probably well over 500 grand total -- was much larger than any of the previous anti-troop protests at the office organized by Code Pink or World Can't Wait, which usually range from less than ten people to perhaps 50 at most on a few rare occasions.....>>
read more | digg story
soldiers families
IP Address Tools
Do you really understand the Internet? I don't mean "understand" like "I could build it if I had to," but understand as in "how does it work and what does that mean for me?" Most people don't.
WhatisMyIPAddress.com aims to fix that lack of understanding. They offer, first and foremost, a lookup ip address tool. If you're really behind on your Internet - understanding, then you need to know that an "IP" is an "internet protocol" address -- it's the numbers that other computers use to identify the computer you're using. And it's how your computer and other websites remember things like "cookies." Go on the internet and see that a link is darkened, indicating that you've clicked on it before? That's other computers identifying yours by the IP. I've simplified it there; WhatisMyIPAddress explains it better here.
But what WhatIsMyIPAddress does better than explain things is give you tools to take advantage of the things they explain. They let you, like I said, lookup ip addresses to find out what computers are located where -- you can home in on the people leaving you comments or pirating your songs.
They let you trace email back to its source, too, so you can help stop those spammers that clog up your inbox everyday. And if your computer is being blocked from websites, they can help you find that out and clear it up.
WhatIsMyIPAddress.com is invaluable; the more we rely on the Internet, the more dramatically it can affect our lives. I rely on the Internet a lot -- and so do you. Their website gives you simple explanations to understand better just what's going on when you use email or surf the web, and understand the problems that can occur when you use email and surf the web.
Once you understand those problems, you can fix them, and WhatIsMyIPAddress.com does that superlatively, from seeing how your IP Address is listed to helping you change your IP address. Frankly, I don't know how you can afford not to bookmark this site and spend a lot of time on it.
WhatisMyIPAddress.com aims to fix that lack of understanding. They offer, first and foremost, a lookup ip address tool. If you're really behind on your Internet - understanding, then you need to know that an "IP" is an "internet protocol" address -- it's the numbers that other computers use to identify the computer you're using. And it's how your computer and other websites remember things like "cookies." Go on the internet and see that a link is darkened, indicating that you've clicked on it before? That's other computers identifying yours by the IP. I've simplified it there; WhatisMyIPAddress explains it better here.
But what WhatIsMyIPAddress does better than explain things is give you tools to take advantage of the things they explain. They let you, like I said, lookup ip addresses to find out what computers are located where -- you can home in on the people leaving you comments or pirating your songs.
They let you trace email back to its source, too, so you can help stop those spammers that clog up your inbox everyday. And if your computer is being blocked from websites, they can help you find that out and clear it up.
WhatIsMyIPAddress.com is invaluable; the more we rely on the Internet, the more dramatically it can affect our lives. I rely on the Internet a lot -- and so do you. Their website gives you simple explanations to understand better just what's going on when you use email or surf the web, and understand the problems that can occur when you use email and surf the web.
Once you understand those problems, you can fix them, and WhatIsMyIPAddress.com does that superlatively, from seeing how your IP Address is listed to helping you change your IP address. Frankly, I don't know how you can afford not to bookmark this site and spend a lot of time on it.
Internet Services
Lillian Asplund Leaves Titanic Memories as Its Last Living Survivor
Lillian Asplund was born in southern Sweden. Her father was a laborer who had dreams of moving the family to California so he could build a better future for his family as part of the American dream. He copied what California had to offer his family from a brochure, apparently so he could tell his wife about it. The family planned the move to America. Ms. Asplund's father bought third class tickets for himself, his wife, his four sons and his daughter on the maiden voyage of the state of the art ship, Titanic.
Lillian Asplund never talked about her trip from Sweden to America. She never talked about the night the Titanic sank taking with it her father and three older brothers. She, her mother and her baby brother were the only ones in that family to survive that night. When Ms. Asplund died at age 99 years of age, she was the last survivor of the Titanic who had memories of it. Only one other survivor remains, but he was a baby at the time. After her death, family members found a shoe box in which she had kept her memories from the night that defined the rest of her life. The contents of that shoe box are some of the rarest historical artifacts from the Titanic and are going up for auction soon.
Lillian Asplund never talked about her trip from Sweden to America. She never talked about the night the Titanic sank taking with it her father and three older brothers. She, her mother and her baby brother were the only ones in that family to survive that night. When Ms. Asplund died at age 99 years of age, she was the last survivor of the Titanic who had memories of it. Only one other survivor remains, but he was a baby at the time. After her death, family members found a shoe box in which she had kept her memories from the night that defined the rest of her life. The contents of that shoe box are some of the rarest historical artifacts from the Titanic and are going up for auction soon.
Among them were notes Mr Asplund had copied from a flyer promoting the benefits of living in California, an American dream that enticed the family to set sail for a new life.
An incredibly rare and water-stained ticket for the luxury liner was also found. Only a handful of Titanic tickets are in existance as most of them sunk with the ship.
The paper documents recovered from his body miraculously survived for 12 days after the disaster because Mr Asplund's lifejacket kept his coat's breast pocket out of the water.
His pocket watch which stopped at 19 minutes past two - the exact time the liner sank - was also found on him. And a heart-rending note written by his grief-stricken mother in which she wrote of how she hoped to see her son again in heaven formed part of the collection.
The stunning archive includes a sad photograph of Lillian, her mother Selma and three-year-old brother Felix, who both survived, at her father's grave in 1912.
Aside from the interest of the rare items from the Titanic, the belongs of Ms. Asplund could be pieced together to give insight into the events that happened that night culminating in the demise of her family.
Carl Asplund, a 40-year-old labourer, bought seven third class tickets for the Titanic's maiden voyage from Southampton to New York on April 10, 1912.
With him were wife Selma, then aged 38, and five children Filip, 13, Clarence, nine, Carl Edgar, five, Lillian, five, and Felix, three.
When the ship hit an iceberg and started to sink on the night of April 14, the Asplunds made a decision that the family should die together along with the 1,500 who perished.
But, according to an account Selma Asplund later gave, at the last moment Felix and Lillian were thrown into lifeboat 15 by an unknown person. Mr Asplund then pushed his wife forward to go with them.
She was haunted by the memory of the faces of her husband and three sons peering over the rail moments before the ship sank. Her husband's drowned and frozen body was recovered from the Atlantic 12 days later but there was no sign of his three sons.
Found in the pockets of his brown overcoat were his gold watch, two small keys for a safety box on board which stored the family's life savings, and his gold wedding ring.
Also recovered were two pocket books, one of which contained his notes on their new life in California. It is thought he had copied out a flyer designed to entice people to California to show his wife.
Part of it read: "California wants people like you, now is your time to come here. We have green grass and wild flowers at this time of year and all the facilities you can have.
"An ideal home we can offer you we think. Perhaps you don't believe what we are saying about our climate and city. Come and see it with your own eyes."
Other papers on him included a letter dated February 28, 1912, telling Mr Asplund he had as job waiting for him.
His possessions were handed to Mrs Asplund who also kept a cold and heartless letter from White Star Line dated May 11, 1912.
It told her they were giving her late husband's effects back as they were of "small value". Mr Aldridge said: "This letter states that the items were of low value which is ironic considering just how much they are worth now."
Mrs Asplund stored the moving letter written by her mother-in-law, Kristina Samuelsson, 16 months after the tragedy, in the box.
In it she states how much her eyes hurt from where she has been in mourning.
She wrote: "My nerves are so weak and my eyes are so poor because I have been crying so much but I hope that my grieving days soon will have an end and I will join the final rest where God has promised to wipe out the tears from all the faces."
Mrs Asplund died aged 91 on April 15 1964 - 52 years to the day of the disaster. After her death Lillian Asplund put her mother's wedding ring in the box alongside that of her father's gold band.
Felix Asplund died in 1983 aged 73 and Lillian passed away in 2006. The auction takes place on Saturday, April 19.
Internet Dating Services
I know quite a few people who have met their partners online. The problem is that its so difficult to be able to vet the people you meet. How do you know someone is who they say they are? That's why its helpful to find a the good services that screen potential matches for you.
If you are one of the millions of people frustrated with the current crop of the dating sites then you will be pleased to know that there is a website that can help you. 5stardating.com has compiled a list of the best internet dating services and internet matchmaking sites on the web. You can browse their dating sites according to your needs. They make categories are broken down to make it easy for you. For instance, there are categories based on nationality, religion and so on. They include a special category for online Matchmaking.
They also have articles that might be very helpful to you. How about an article on meeting single millionaires online? Maybe you are newly single and a little afraid to get back out there. This site has articles on these subjects and much more.
You can compare and contrast the various sites available to you. Its a one-stop-shop for a wide variety of types of dating sites so that you only have to go to one place to get information to help you decide which is best for you.
If you are one of the millions of people frustrated with the current crop of the dating sites then you will be pleased to know that there is a website that can help you. 5stardating.com has compiled a list of the best internet dating services and internet matchmaking sites on the web. You can browse their dating sites according to your needs. They make categories are broken down to make it easy for you. For instance, there are categories based on nationality, religion and so on. They include a special category for online Matchmaking.
They also have articles that might be very helpful to you. How about an article on meeting single millionaires online? Maybe you are newly single and a little afraid to get back out there. This site has articles on these subjects and much more.
You can compare and contrast the various sites available to you. Its a one-stop-shop for a wide variety of types of dating sites so that you only have to go to one place to get information to help you decide which is best for you.
Wednesday Hero - Spc Jeffrey Jamaleldine
This Weeks Hero Was Suggested By Mary Ann
Company C, 1st Battalion, 77th Armor
"How can I say to my sons, stand up for something, fight for what you think is right, if I don't do anything myself?"
The Jeffrey Jamaleldine that you speak to today is a complete 180 from the Jeffrey Jamaleldine that you would have spoke to in the past. In 1991, Jamaleldin was living in Germany when joined in anti-American protests on Berlin's Kurfürstendamm boulevard during Operation Desert Storm. "That was the way it was back then," he says. He was 15 and "America was simply the enemy." And today, Jeffery Jamaleldine is a wounded veteran of the U.S. Army. On June 6, 2005, after the terror bombing in Madrid, Spain, in the middle of the Iraq war, he showed up at the U.S. Army recruiting office in Little Rock, Arkansas, to enlist. His father, Bashir, told him at the time: "Son, this won't be a picnic."
On June 30, Jamaleldine was on patrol in Ramadi, Iraq. The patrol ahead of him had been ambushed by at least 70 combatants and were now under fire. During the fight, Spc. Jeffrey Jamaleldine was hit in the face by a bullet. In the end, the battle lasted into the next morning and the soldiers were able to stop the enemy from returning to Ramadi.
The article on Spc. Jeffrey Jamaleldine is five pages long, and I simply can not condense it down to only a few paragraphs. You can read the entire story here.
These brave men and women sacrifice so much in their lives so that others may enjoy the freedoms we get to enjoy everyday. For that, I am proud to call them Hero.
We Should Not Only Mourn These Men And Women Who Died, We Should Also Thank God That Such People Lived
This post is part of the Wednesday Hero Blogroll. For more information about Wednesday Hero, or if you would like to post it on your site, you can go here.
The Jeffrey Jamaleldine that you speak to today is a complete 180 from the Jeffrey Jamaleldine that you would have spoke to in the past. In 1991, Jamaleldin was living in Germany when joined in anti-American protests on Berlin's Kurfürstendamm boulevard during Operation Desert Storm. "That was the way it was back then," he says. He was 15 and "America was simply the enemy." And today, Jeffery Jamaleldine is a wounded veteran of the U.S. Army. On June 6, 2005, after the terror bombing in Madrid, Spain, in the middle of the Iraq war, he showed up at the U.S. Army recruiting office in Little Rock, Arkansas, to enlist. His father, Bashir, told him at the time: "Son, this won't be a picnic."
On June 30, Jamaleldine was on patrol in Ramadi, Iraq. The patrol ahead of him had been ambushed by at least 70 combatants and were now under fire. During the fight, Spc. Jeffrey Jamaleldine was hit in the face by a bullet. In the end, the battle lasted into the next morning and the soldiers were able to stop the enemy from returning to Ramadi.
The article on Spc. Jeffrey Jamaleldine is five pages long, and I simply can not condense it down to only a few paragraphs. You can read the entire story here.
These brave men and women sacrifice so much in their lives so that others may enjoy the freedoms we get to enjoy everyday. For that, I am proud to call them Hero.
This post is part of the Wednesday Hero Blogroll. For more information about Wednesday Hero, or if you would like to post it on your site, you can go here.
Tuesday, April 01, 2008
New International Long Distance Calling Service
I'm always looking for a good long distance call service since my son lives overseas. It can be extremely expensive to call, but then again, there are some really good companies out there that make it much easier to make those international calls.
There is a new company out there called Trueroots. They give exceptional rates globally, but have especially fantastic India call rates as it is a member of the Tata group. That is one of India's largest and most respected business conglomerate.
Trueroots offers around the clock, 24/7/365, quality customer support and service. They are able to provide outstanding connections because of their association with the world's largest global submarine cable infrastructure. They offer advance features such as instant caller ID recognition for PIN-less dialing for up to five registered phone numbers, up to three follow-up calls without the need to redial an access number, speed dial for up to five frequently called numbers and much more.
Trueroots is growing rapidly and will soon be adding more services in addition to the services mentioned above. You will be able to get movies (including Bollywood), TV series, sports coverage, video games, music downloads and a lot more through their service. This is an exciting new service that you can find out more about by visiting their website. Check it out!
There is a new company out there called Trueroots. They give exceptional rates globally, but have especially fantastic India call rates as it is a member of the Tata group. That is one of India's largest and most respected business conglomerate.
Trueroots offers around the clock, 24/7/365, quality customer support and service. They are able to provide outstanding connections because of their association with the world's largest global submarine cable infrastructure. They offer advance features such as instant caller ID recognition for PIN-less dialing for up to five registered phone numbers, up to three follow-up calls without the need to redial an access number, speed dial for up to five frequently called numbers and much more.
Trueroots is growing rapidly and will soon be adding more services in addition to the services mentioned above. You will be able to get movies (including Bollywood), TV series, sports coverage, video games, music downloads and a lot more through their service. This is an exciting new service that you can find out more about by visiting their website. Check it out!
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