Saturday, January 14, 2006
Ways To Support Our Troops
I support the Fiscal Watch Team Offset Package
This offset package is supported by Senators John McCain(R-AZ), Sam Brownback (R-KS), Mark Dayton (D-MN), John Ensign (R-NV), John E. Sununu (R-NH), Judd Gregg (R-NH), Tom Coburn (R-OK), Lindsey Graham (R-SC), Jim DeMint (R-SC). Senators opposing the package are: Barbara Boxer (D-CA), Barack Obama (D-IL), John Kerry (D-MA), Edward Kennedy (D-MA), John Warner (R-VA). This package has been proposed to offset the costs of the devastating hurricanes on the gulf coast. It will save American taxpayers close to $130 billion over a two year period. I see the need for PorkBusters for more than the hurricane relief. I believe we will need to keep trimming the fat for a while to deal with the multiple problems we are faced with - primarily the Global War on Terrorism. Check out the details fo the offset package and see if supporting this grassroots effort is something you would like to put your blog to.
An Appeal From Center-Right Bloggers
Reading Blogs
God Hates Hate
It is a sin NOT to take pleasure in the wrathful out pourings of God's justice on this nation. "The righteous shall rejoice when he seeth the vengeance: he shall wash his feet in the blood of the wicked" (Ps. 58:10). Get used to it, America! It's only going to get worse. The more you persecute God's people, the more wrath He pours out on you!
Friday, January 13, 2006
The Utter Degradation of DC Culture
Thursday, January 12, 2006
The Importance of Links!!!
Monthly Marathon
Can't eat beef - might get Mad Cow
Can't eat chicken - bird flu
What about eggs? Salmonella!
Can't eat pork ..
fears of trichinosis...
What about fish?
..... heavy metals in the waters has poisoned their meat ....
Fruits and vegetables ...
insecticides and herbicides.
What's left????
Wednesday, January 11, 2006
Camp Katrina
Tuesday, January 10, 2006
A Question
psych-o, psych-o, daylight come but there's nobody home
I not only think that they are misguided, but I think they know exactly what they are doing, and I think that they are men who are possessed of evil.
Monday, January 09, 2006
Back To Kennedy
Back to Kennedy.
I can't hear him speak, especially in such a condescending and morally superior manner that I don't think about Chappaquiddick Island. If you take a moment and read (or listen to) his speech after he left Mary Jo Kopechne to die in his submerged car on Chappaquiddick Island you might find yourself questioning how he can shamelessly expressing concern over anyones morality, honestly or personal courage. By his own statement, he and his family had participated in the sailing event on the island for 30 years, yet he accidentally drove off the bridge because it was dark and the bridge has an odd angle to it. He's 30 years familiar with the island, yet not familiar enough to navigate the roadways. He was comforting Ms. Kopechne and other Kennedy campaign secretaries because they were so upset over the death of Robert Kennedy. That's all. Nothing more. His wife would have been there, but she wasn't feeling well. And, he adds, he doesn't like the fact that people implied he might have been driving drunk or conducting himself in an immoral manner! He had been at the party and had simply been comforting these 'girls' and was simply giving Mary Jo Kopechne a ride. His conduct and statements over the few hours after he allowed Ms. Kopechne to drown in his car is simply inexplicable. He says he can't explain it because he doesn't remember it. His doctors told him it was shock. Yet, he can tell us how he felt as the water rushed into the car, how he got to the surface and how he repeatedly dove down to try to rescue Ms. Kopechne until he thought he would drown again. He remembers clearly going back to the party and getting his kin folk to come help him. The only reason he told them not to tell anyone else was because he didn't want to scare the other 'girls' who were friends of Ms. Kopechne. His only concern was for them. He had been much too exhausted to rescue the 'girl' he was escorting, but for some unexplicable reason, he dove back into the water, swam across and went to his hotel and slept till the next morning. The next morning he called his family attorney who convinced him to report the accident. That all makes perfect sense, doesn't it? If he says it, it must be true. The one thing in the speech that rang true, he said:
I suppose posts like this are what will remain with him the rest of his life.This last week has been an agonizing one for me and for the members of my family, and the grief we feel over the loss of a wonderful friend will remain with us the rest of our lives.