Monday, February 13, 2006

Monday Linkfest Party

Monday Linkfest Party!

Linkfest Haven

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Diabetes in the News Excerpt: Welcome to “Diabetes in the News”. This feature has links to diabetes related news stories, blogs, or websites. If you come upon a story, blog or website that I haven’t mentioned, e-mail me at at I will check it out and if posted... Weblog: Jo's Cafe Tracked: 02.13.06 - 2:57 am Monday Linkfest Excerpt: It's a Monday Linkfest! Send a trackback to this post and it will be listed here as long as you link back to this post or blog in the post you send. Weblog: The Median Sib Tracked: 02.13.06 - 6:01 am
Ted Rall - whiny little girl Excerpt: Apparently, besides being someone "who is either flirting with being a holocaust denier or braying for attention as only a maladjusted jackass can" or "suffering from excessive dermal abrasion", Rall is a little wussy (sounds better with a p - trus... Weblog: Mark My Words Tracked: 02.13.06 - 3:43 pm
Welcome to Algorica Excerpt: "San Francisco has seceded today from the United States of America. We will henceforth be known as the Progressive Republic of Algorica. At the present time our national boundaries coincide with the city limits of the City of San Francisco but we exp... Weblog: Radaractive Tracked: 02.13.06 - 9:21 pm
Star Wars Poll Excerpt: New poll up on the side bar. Stolen shameless…... Weblog: Pirates! Man Your Women! Tracked: 02.14.06 - 5:33 pm