An awful lot of people love shopping online. Its fast, easy and fun. You aren't restricted to the shops in your local shopping mall. You can roam freely throughout the world and find the items you need from behind your computer. Its a wonderful thing!
Shop Goldyn takes the concept of shopping online to a whole new level. They offer you the convenience of shopping online at your leisure, and they will will also bring their boutique to you. You read that right. They will bring the boutique to you! How cool is that!? You can have a few friends over, choose five of your favorite brands and they will throw you a party. That means they take care of invitations, food, drinks .... everything ... and its complimentary.
Best of all Shop Goldyn has great style. They carry the best brands and make them available to you at very reasonable prices. Their website is set up so you can easily browse by design or by brand.
A few of the designers they carry include:
Andrea Brueckner,
Charlotte Ronson, Goldyn ViNtAgE, H Fredriksson, Hartford, Manoush, Mint, Poles, Skin and Threads,
Diabless and many more. That's just the beginning of your choices.
I almost forgot, if you live in the Colorado Front Range area you can have a complimentary personal stylist come to your home as part of the fashion party that I mentioned earlier. The stylist will assist with consultations and private fittings. They will help you find the right styles that maximize your assets and camouflage any flaws you might have. They will help you get the wardrobe that is right for you based on your own personal style, lifestyle and preferences.
Sounds like a great deal to me.